Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life Experiences

Wow! What an interesting way to vent and share things. Being a woman in her late 20's and experiencing new things, I seem to have alot to share . This past year as a 28 yr. old I have learned so much. Some experiences have been great and others well...are questionalble. I can say that I donot regret any or should I say most decisions that I have made. I feel that it is life's experiences that let us grow, mature and most importantly LEARN. Sometimes you have to put yourself out there on the line. Put your heart and soul into something and try to see what happens hoping that all of your questions and desires are fullfilled. Unfortunately fullfillment is not always the outcome. I have since learned that a hasty decision made from a deep emotion may end up in a complete disaster. But all you can do is simply step back assess the situation and realize that everything does happen for a reason. The expression "Man plans and God laughs" is so true. Learn from it!! And I would like to add that that little thing that we call a gut feeling, well you need to listen to it. Your gut or some people like to call it a conscience is is more than likely right. It is a god given tool that for some reason we sometimes choose to ignore. But if the outcome is bad don't take it to heart. Just chalk it up to experience. The hurt and pain that it has caused will eventually fade. I'd like to believe that someday maybe....some good will come out of all bad things!!!

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